with Athena Laz




A 12 week immersive training

to help you hone in your intuition,

make contact with your higher self & activate your psychic abilities. 








 For the first time ever I am offering a 12-week immersive training in psychic and intuitive development. 

Each week we will meet on a Thursday at 7pm ET via Zoom. We start on March 5th 2025.

I will take you through a lecture series blended with experiential practices and hands on learning. 

Each week we look at a new container like how to establish contact with your guides, developing your clair abilities such as clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing) and so forth. 

You will discover and learn how to put your intuitive and psychic abilities to use in your everyday life.

This program is good for beginners and intermediate level practioners. I

This program will help you work through any blocks and keep you accountable and lovingly supported during the 12-week immersive training.

Being intuitive can be easy.

It simply takes good direction and practice. 

 Learn in a community of likeminded people while you enhance your own intuitive abilities. 





Live Weekly Trainings:

Join Athena on Thursdays at 7 Pm ET via Zoom.

Experiential Practices:

Engage in exercises in our workshops to take you out of the realm of learning into the realm of experiencing.

Breakout Groups & Community Support: Practice and share insights with like-minded seekers.

Home integration Practices:

 Reinforce your skills between sessions for real growth at your own pace.

This 12 week immersive program will take you on a journey of uncovering any beliefs getting in your way, it will show you what you need to work and develop, it will provide you with community while you are held in expert hands. By the end of the 12 weeks you should know how to access and use your intuitive and psychic abilities for your benefit. 



Week 1-2: Understanding your baseline intuitive talents & psychic abilities

In our first zoom call we will dive straight into the foundation of working psychically. You will learn energy hygiene, grounding, and expansion techniques. 

Our second meeting is an experential 90 minute class refining theses skills in real time. Ask as many questions as you need! 

In Week 3 we will move on to understanding feeling states of psychic and intuitive abilities. I'm going to show you how to identify and strengthen this state of awareness so you can 'sense' and 'feel' things out. In the 4th week, you will practice this skillset in the actual workshop. 

This immersive experience blends deep learning with hands on practice. The program is designed to help you elevate your own skills while feeling supported the entire time.    

Week 5: A deep dive into hearing intuitive or psychic information (clairaudience). Learn to tune into messages beyond the physical realm by tuning into your non-physical or higher self.  

Week 6: Experiential workshop where you learn how to identify inner voices versus higher order guidance.  

Week 7: Is a deep dive into psychic seeing. I will guide you through clairvoyant practices and working with imagery and symbols in multiple ways. 

Week 8: Practical workshop on using your clairvoyant abilties (scrying and other exercises.) 

Week 9: A deep dive into emergent knowing, claircognizance, and timelines.  

Week 10: Experiential class to develop and try out these new skills. You will be given targets to 'read'. 

Week 11: Synthesizing all these abilities coherently and diving into psychic dreaming.  

Week 12: Closing workshop and guided circle. 



enrollment closes on the 7th of Feb 2025

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